Key Points from The Australian Early Years Learning Framework
that inspires Little Koala
- Importance on educators to recognize the importance of nurturing relationships and giving students emotional support to develop the skills and understanding they need to interact positively with others.
- Recognizing that partnerships start first and foremost with family. It’s essential that schools provide a welcoming environment where children and families are encouraged to work actively with educators to create a meaningful educational experience.
- Always strive to get children to achieve their maximum best by pushing the boundaries of academic excellence and working as a community of families to make it happen.
- Learning to respect each other through mutual understanding of different cultures, history and background. This helps foster children’s motivation to learn and reinforce themselves as competent learners.
- Emphasis on children learning when they are having fun in school and experience success. They should feel secure and have a sense of belonging.
- Children take risks to develop their social, emotional and physical well-being. They are supported in developing skills of independence, resilience and perseverance.
Belonging, Being and Becoming
Referring to The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia: Belonging, Being and Becoming. Early Childhood education at Little Koala has a strong emphasis on play-based learning. Through careful research and exploration, play allows children to express personalities, enhance curiosity, develop relationships and provide a sense of well-being in a child’s early chapter to life in education.
Belonging – children feel that they belong because of the relationships they have with their family, community, culture and place.
Being – is about living here and now. Childhood is a special time in life and children need time to just be – time to play, try new things and have fun.
Becoming – is about the learning and development that young children experience. They start to form their sense of identity from an early age, shaping the type of adult they will become.

Learning at Little Koala
Nursery & Kindergarten
In the Nursery Year at Little Koala, there is emphasis on building upon the interests of students in ways that help them learn more about the world. Children begin developing a love of learning and learning how to learn. Much of the learning is informal with play and interaction with others being most important.
Our nursery curriculum outcomes are designed to encourage children to
- Develop a strong sense of identity
- Become connected with and contribute to their world
- Develop a strong sense of wellbeing
- Become confident and involved learners
- Progress toward being effective communicators