• Railroad Scrap Metal

Railroad scrap metal

Railroad scrap metal recycling services

Alton Materials is proud to offer its scrap metal recycling and processing expertise to Class 1 and shortline railroad companies. Thanks to our partnership with rail recycling specialists Recycling Consultants, we can provide highly trained rail crews that are ready to perform a variety of services, including:

  • Track removal and take-up
  • Rail yard cleanup
  • Derailment recovery and cleanup
  • Rail car dismantling
  • Rail scrap management and brokering

Railroad scrap metal

If you are currently in the market for a scrap metal contractor that can assist your railroad company with its recycling needs, look no further than Alton Materials. Simply contact us and tell us what you’re looking for in a rail scrap recycling partner, and we’ll handle the rest.

Free business scrap assessment

Your business generate scrap? Probably more than you can imagine. Let's talk about how this pile of trash can become a mountain of profits.


#15 Hull Lane
PO Box 219
Alton, IL 62002

Phone Numbers:

P 618.462.0277
F 618.462.0278


806 Industrial Drive
Sparta, IL 62286

Phone Number:

P 618.443.3018

Hours of Operation | Mon-Fri 8am-4p | Sat 8am-12pm


Specializing in rail scrap services